Unlock The Key To Your Success By Learning More About Yourself

Finding balance is deciding to notice what goes on in your life. To make conscious choices and to experience life, not just let it happen to you.

Learning more about yourself is an important first step in creating balance in your life. It is easy to get caught up in the fast pace and pressing schedule of our busy lives. We loose sight of what is important to us, what we want to accomplish.

Maybe you have always been this busy. Going from school and college to your job or career. Never really taking the time to get to know who you are, what you like and dislike and what areas you would like to strengthen in your life. Where you would like to go next and what new things you would like to learn and experience.

Being clear about who you are will help you to make better choices, choices that will positively impact your future. There is a lot of emphasis in popular business books on how to set goals, run your business, advance your career. But there doesn't seem to be much emphasis on finding out who we are, what we really want and why we want it.

The experts tell us its important to have a business plan to start or grow our business. It's a tool to see where your business is and where your business is headed.

It seems to me that we need to have a life plan as well. You say you're too busy, you have an insane schedule, no time to sit around talking to yourself. But if you're not sure who you are or where you are now, what you want, where you want to go and why you want to be there you won't know if you have arrived.

Trust the things you experience. Listen, look, touch and smell all that the world around you has to offer. Trust that your feelings are the right guides for you.

Notice all the should's and have to's that come up every day. Are these really important to you? Can you change the circumstances that make you feel this way?

Write in a journal every evening before bed. Just free write for 10 minutes, write anything that pops into your head. Don't edit, or censor. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, or penmanship. Just write. This exercise will allow the junk mail of your mind to be released. It will let your negative thoughts out on paper and clear your body of these toxins.

If you can do this every night, you will find in a few weeks that things seem clearer to you. You will be more comfortable with your thoughts. You will even find little gems among the junk that will help you gain a better understanding of who you are and what your heart's desire is.

Take a moment, sometime every day just for you. Just sit or stand quietly and pause. Take several deep breaths and take a moment to be still. Don't do anything, just take hold of that moment for yourself and do absolutely nothing!

As you get to know yourself better and bring your life into balance you will realize that you are a unique and important person. Your life has a purpose, everything that you say and do matters. Believe in yourself, be proud of who you are and what you have to offer to others.

You are exactly where you are supposed to be!

About The Author

?BZ Riger-Hull. www.in-spiros.com For valuable free articles, assessments, & practical success tools www.in-spiros.com Certified as a Success Coach, "Four Agreements" Facilitator, & Tele-Course leader We help you communicate powerfully, reduce stress, Strategically Attract success, & increase your financial well-being.


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