We Become What We Think About

"A man's life is what his thoughts make of it."

- Marcus Aurelius ?

Roman Emperor

Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, "a man is what he thinks about all day long." He understood an important principle that is at the heart of sales success, or any other success for that matter. If you believe you are a successful salesperson and you think about yourself succeeding day in and day out, you will succeed. Unfortunately, the reverse is equally true.

Norman Vincent Peale also wrote about this concept:

This is one of the greatest laws in the universe. Fervently do I wish I had discovered it as a very young man. It dawned on me much later in life and I found it one of the greatest, if not my greatest, discovery outside of my relationship to God.

The law of prosperity and success to which he was referring says that if you think in positive terms, you'll achieve positive results but negative thinking produces only negative results.

Psychologists and motivational speakers, like Earl Nightingale, suggest the mind is very much like the land on a farm. The land gives the farmer a choice. He can plant whatever he chooses since the land doesn't care. It is up to the farmer to make the decision. Our subconscious mind, like the farmer's land, doesn't care what we plant either. It will return whatever we plant. Once the seed is planted and watered, it will grow. Seeds of success or seeds of failure are available for planting. We can plant seeds of success and harvest happiness or seeds of failure and harvest disillusionment and discontent. What are you planting?

To obtain a series of techniques to help you with planting seeds of sales and personal success check out: http://www.TheSellingEdge.com/organize.htm

VIRDEN THORNTON is the founder and President of The $elling Edge?, Inc. an Ohio consulting firm specializing in sales and sales management training, personal coaching, advisory services and publishing. Clients have included Sears Optical, Eastman Kodak, IBM, Service Linen Supply, Bank One, Jefferson Wells International, and Wal-Mart to name a few. Virden is the author of the "best selling" Building & Closing the Sale, Prospecting: The Key To Sales Success and Close That Sale, a video/audio tape series published by Crisp Publications a division of Thompson Learning. He has also authored a client acclaimed Self-Directed Learning series of sales, coaching, telemarketing, and personal productivity manuals. To obtain a substantial discount on two of Virden's latest books, 101 Sales Myths or Organizing For Sales Success, go to: http://www.thesellingedge.com/books1.htm.

NOTE: You can contact Virden at: http://www.thesellingedge.com/books1.htm or check out his detailed biography at: http://www.thesellingedge.com/books1.htm

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