What Does Success Look Like To You?

So many of us want success, but how many of us really know what we mean when we say it? And please?.. don't blurt out some superficial "bling and glam" definition like VH1 defines it on "The Fabulous Life of ??" The expensive cars, the safe full of jewelry and the massive homes on every continent are only fruits of success, not success itself. Rather, Success is the realization and accomplishment of worthy goals. They are those purpose driven milestones that we set in our lives based on our values, beliefs and ambitions. You know them when you see them because they bring a sense of fulfillment and peace of mind when actively pursued. On the flip side, however, they increase our level of anxiety and frustration when we let fear and complacency stop us from pursuing them. You should know that feelings of fear are part of the process, but you need to acknowledge that fear and move through it because I guarantee you that if you don't take time to set and actively pursue (purpose driven) goals, you will most certainly be destined to work on achieving someone else's. And we all know how that feels, right?

So once again, I ask what does Success look like to you? Can you tell me what it looks like? Feels like? Taste like? In your minds eye how are you acting, dressing and being in the midst of your success? What I am asking you to do here is gain a crystal clear image of exactly what it is that you want to attain. In your heart, who do you really want to become? Earl Nightingale states it so clearly. He says, "People with goals succeed because they know where they are going... It's as simple as that.". In other words, clarity is power and the successful person is like any other person, they just have laser-like focus.

So now that I have rattled off all these questions and gotten your brain going a mile a minute wondering "Will I ever find success?" I've taken the liberty to outline six steps that will help you identify what success looks like for you.

Six steps for identifying What Success Looks Like for You:

1. Identify your purpose. We are all here for a reason, to serve some purpose. I encourage you to really look within yourself and think about that thing(s) that inspires you. Think about that thing that if you don't surrender to it will continue to nag and gnaw at your conscious and make you miserable because you keep resisting it.

2. Determine WHY you want what you want. You need a strong enough reason to push you to success because your drive, passion and persistence is what will get you through the obstacles, challenges and hurdles that you will surely confront along the way. Experts say, 80% of Success is WHY and 20% is HOW.

3. Document your Vision! Denis Waitley reminds us that "The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we've already achieved them." Remember a goal that is not written down is a wish!

4. Contemplate your self as having, being and doing exactly what you want to have, be and do. Make a mental blueprint of your success. Visualize it! See it! Feel it! Believe in it!

5. Find a role model. Someone who is already successful doing that thing that you want to do. Studying how they achieved their success will help to accelerate yours.

6. Take action! We can have all the best intentions, but your real power and success, will come from consistent action taken daily against the documented goals that you have set for yourself. Without action, you could have the hottest idea and the tightest business plan and you would still fail. Whereas a "so what who cares" idea and an inadequate business plan often produces success when accompanied by sufficient action.

Okay, so there, now that you have the necessary tools to start you on the path to success, I urge you to get started immediately. Don't let 2005 roll in with out having developed your plans for success.

"Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."
-Napoleon Hill

About The Author

Sheraun Britton-Parris, is Founder & CEO of The possibili-tees.com, a women's tee shirt company known for its motivational affirmations and messages that challenge conventional designs and messages with emotionally charged empowerment statements. Her passion is to help stimulate human potential in women, empowering them to shake off mediocrity and live up to their greatness. Find out more at the website. COPYRIGHT (C) 2004 by The Possibili-Tees Group, Inc.

Permission is granted to reproduce or distribute this newsletter only in its entirety and provided copyright is acknowledged.

The Possibili-Tees Group Inc. -- possibili-tees.com

for information, please contact us at possibili-tees.com or visit us at possibili-tees.com


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