Are Glyconutrients for Real?

If glyconutrients are for real, why aren't they all over the news? Why haven't we heard about this before? These are just a couple of the skeptical questions encountered when sharing the life changing gift of glyconutrients with others. How do we know the science behind these products is real, and has the scientific community really embraced the field of glycobiology?

A look at the numbers and the scientific communities involved in glycobiology reveal clues to what's really going on.

The sheer numbers of web pages devoted to glycobiology research gives us an idea of the activity in the field. There are currently 206,000 glycobiology research listings on the web, according to Google Search. Google Scholar lists 23,100 academic pages for glycobiology research as well.

Another clue to the validity of the science of glycobiology is the involvement of major universities in the study of glycobiology. Academic institutions throughout the United States now have laboratories focusing on glycobiology research, including the University of California, University of Oklahoma, San Francisco State University, University of Wisconsin, The Burnham Institute, The Scripps Research Institute, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Additionally, more than 30 biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies throughout North America, Canada, Europe and Japan are currently participating in glycobiology research. The focus of their research involves a wide range of possible uses including cancer treatments and anti-cancer vaccines, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory agents as well as treatments for asthma, influenza and other infections. The sweetener Sucralose is a product of glycobiology research as well.

But why add glyconutrients to your diet? Glycobiology research tells us that there are eight bioactive sugars involved in cell to cell communication, an essential part of healthy body function. But our modern diet only supplies sufficient amounts of two-glucose and galactose. Our eating habits, depleted soils and modern methods of food distribution all conspire to deprive us of the other six essential nutrients. Medical experts agree that nutrition plays a big part in cancers, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and obesity-which by no small accident are also the major killers of modern man. There is evidence that glycobiology research can produce products to alleviate much of the suffering caused by these diseases.

That's all fine, you say, but how does all that relate to the glyconutrients currently on the market? Not only is there good science behind glyconutrients, the eight known bioactive sugars are currently being used in the development of glyconutrient supplements, with patents both pending and issued for these products. It makes sense that replacing these missing nutrients, thus improving cellular function, would increase the body's ability to repair, restore and correct malfunctioning systems.

Since it is nearly impossible to take in sufficient quantities of the nutrients in our diets today, supplementing with glyconutrients may be a good choice for optimal health. The vast amount of glycobiology research ongoing now demonstrates that leading researchers believe in the validity of glycobiology. A wise person who desires good health and a long, active life would do well to consider glyconutrients, too.

Karen Walker is a wellness consultant and author. She works from her home in western Montana. She and her husband, Lynn McCormick, maintain a website to help those whose lives have been upset by catastrophic health events.

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