Part 1:
A "better nutritional program" means the introduction of foods and supplements of a higher quality, such as (Mexican Wild) Yam, (mono)saccharides, Phytochemicals or/& Food Form Vitamins, in place of lower quality supplements. The closer the food comes to the natural state in which it occurs, or the closer it comes to its raw, uncooked form, the higher its quality. All the enzymes are found intact when foods are left in this condition and all the protein-containing amino acids are left in their finest form. The minerals, vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates and "life force" are still present. When these are ingested, the body can reproduce healthy tissue. Think about it: your cells are made from what you eat - so food does effect your health.
If you are really interested in a better nutritional program; omitting highly toxic substances such as coffee, caffeinated teas, chocolate, tobacco, salt, and highly preserved and processed foods like sugar, white flour and chemical additives; will give you some definitely desirable results. Basically omit anything that comes in a bag, box, jar, or can. The higher quality of food that you eat, the faster you will reap the benefits in health, energy, and clarity of thinking. Assimilating and properly digesting higher quality foods enables the body to discard lower grade materials and tissues to make room for the superior materials which it uses to make new and healthier tissue. If we would stop interfering with the normal process of the body by overloading it with lower quality substances, it would function more freely to improve its health. That is always its aim and the plan of nature and adaptation. By observing the self-curing nature of colds, fevers, cuts, swellings, injuries, & etc. it is obvious that the body is always attempting to heal and repair itself except when we interfere with the process.
When we first begin to omit the lower grade foods and instead introduce superior substances (which may supply nutrients our body can use to make the building blocks that we have been deficient in) and also when we suddenly reduce or stop using toxic foods, etc. we may experience headaches and or a letdown. This is because the body is discarding toxins which have been removed from the tissues and transported through the bloodstream during its bodily rounds. Before these noxious agents reach their final destination for elimination, these irritants register in our consciousness as discomforts. These toxins may also cause our liver and kidneys to work harder to process years of accumulated wastes out of our system in a short time. But if we don't go through this process at some time, the accumulation will continue and our health will decline until something drastic occurs. The energy letdown may be due to the slower action of the heart, resulting from a resting phase. The resting phase follows the stimulation of the more rapid heart action which has been forced upon the body by certain toxins in our foods. Also fatigue may appear from energy being shifted from the live cycle to the heal and repair cycle. The discomfort will usually vanish within several days, and we will then feel stronger due to the repair which follows. Then this process may repeat again and again until our bodily systems are clean and rebuilt.
One reason people fail with their new nutritional program is that they lack understanding of how the body works. They are misled to believe that they felt better with their old habits and diet before they changed. They fail because they do not give the body a chance to adjust and complete its phase of cleansing and recuperative action. If they would wait a little while longer they would begin to feel better than before they started. The body's power has been increased, but since this increased energy is used to discharge poisons via skin, sinus, lung, eyes, ears, the mind misinterprets it as some weakness. Any weakness which is felt here is not true weakness, but merely a gathering of the forces for the rebuilding of the more important internal parts. Here it is essential for us to stop wasting energy and to rest and sleep more. It is important to have patience and faith and just wait it out, realizing that the years of improper diet are the only reason for our discomfort and that the body is receiving a blessing during this crucial phase. After a short time, we will get increased strength which will far exceed what we felt before we began the new program. Be consistent in your use of a nutritional program so the body can develop a steady process of repair without interuptions. As one continues on the improved nutrition and gradually raises the food quality, interesting enough symptoms begin to appear in the first phase called catabolism. Here, the body begins a process called "retracing". The cellular intelligence immediately starts getting rid of the toxic buildup throughout the body, ridding the liver and gall bladder of excess bile by sending it to the intestine to trigger the process of elimination, removing the "sludge" out of the arteries, veins and capillaries, cleaning up deposits in the joints, ridding the body of effects from irritating food preservatives, aspirins, sleeping pills and drugs along with other masses of excess fat which have made life so burdensome for us for so long. This may manifest itself in loose stools or constipation overload. Extra fiber is essential to keep the 'sewer line' removing toxins.
The second phase is called stabilization. During this phase, the amount of waste material being discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue which is being formed and replaced by the newer, more vital and nutritious food. This occurs after the excess obstructing material in the tissues has been removed. This stage is followed by a third phase which is called anabolism. Due to the improved assimilation, new tissues are now being formed faster and are more durable and do not break down easily. The body's need for more food is decreased; therefore we are able to maintain our weight and increased energies with less food. With the use of live concentrared food supplements and herbs many people are able to maintain optimum energy and health with only two meals a day. As the body progressively increases in efficiency and decreases in tissue breakdown under exercise, so do we gradually need less and less food to maintain life.
Part 4: HOW MUCH?
The higher the percentage of raw or live food one lives on, the slower the rate of tissue deterioration. A healthy body requires a gradual, carefully worked out entry into this stage, where one is able to live on a higher percent of raw food. For some people, it is important that they start with a very small quantity of each nutrient, such as 1/2 tablet once or twice a day in the beginning. This will enable the body to adjust to having such a high quality substance in it, without too fast of a cleansing effect. Most people are able to start with higher amounts. However, some people may be holding medicine, drugs and highly toxic matter, or viruses in their tissues due to their past diet, and upon the introduction of nutrients like these to the body, its natural response is to start a cleansing and cell rebuilding program. It is best, therefore, to start by using a fiber product and 8-10 glasses of pure spring water away from supplements to help dilute the poisons and carry them away rapidly. This should help to minimize the uncomfortableness of detoxing.
You may be eating perfectly with regard to quantity, quality and observing all of the correct rules, and still undesirable symptoms may occur. Those who have eaten better foods in the past and have not abused their bodies with overeating, will have detoxing ranging from almost nothing at all or very mild, to symptoms which may be uncomfortable. Those who have eaten quantities of candy, ice cream, processed foods, etc. and have poisoned themselves more, might experience more symptoms if their liver, kidneys or other important eliminating organs have been weakened. When they have been renovated to the point of fair working order, they will no longer produce symptoms so noticeable. Even though you may be one of the ones who followed all of the rules of proper nutrition, you must realize that it is almost impossible not to take in a certain amount of toxins and heavy metals with the very air that you breathe and water that you drink. The symptoms will vary according to the materials being discarded, the condition of the organs involved in the elimination, and the amount of energy you have available. The more you rest and sleep when symptoms are present, the milder they are and the more quickly they are completed. Be happy that you are having symptoms! Realize deeply that your body is becoming younger and healthier every day because you are throwing off more and more wastes which would have eventually brought rapid aging and much suffering. Those who have the worst symptoms-reactions and stick with the dietary improvements until their successful termination, are thus avoiding some of the worst conditions which would eventually have developed, had they continued their careless eating habits. Remember it is very rare that anyone would be allergic to top quality food supplements. The effects are usually due to a healing crisis and not because the product makes you sick or allergic. The key is to find those few rare manufacturers who not only claim to have no junk on their label; but who really use only pure products of high quality. Remember, though many people may have some good experiences within days or weeks, some people may not become aware of benefits for a few months. Often things may be going on inside our bodies that are beneficial though we do not notice them. Be aware that if you continue to put toxic foods into your body while using food supplements, the body may be strong enough to just keep detoxing each new poison as you put it in. So for optimal health, try to discontinue dead toxic foods. Eventually as the cleansing work is done we may get noticeable benefits too.
So plan on making a 3-4 month comittement to steady & consistent use of a pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements. Take them 3 times a day so you can notice the benefits. Also realize there may be other factors impairing your renewal - not addressed by the items you are using. You may wish to consult a nutritionist or natural physician for other products to provide needed factors to allow your body to continue to progress. The mysteries of the body, the 'operations of nature', the vital forces working in 'nature' and the Cosmos are far beyond what our minds are prepared to understand at present. Even the greatest physicians and scientists, marveled in awe and humility at the wonders of 'nature'. Let us give ourselves a chance to experience what it means to be really healthy and fully alive, and to feel the joy of living by aligning ourselves to God's (nature's) laws as intended for us, by the eating of natural foods and supplements. This indeed is a prime prerequisite in our physical, & mental well-being.
Zach Thompson works internationally as a Glyconutritional Consultant. He lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of rural Virginia. He serves primarily the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, & New Zealand. His clients range from Professional & Olympic Athletes to those with auto-immune disease & children with Learning Disabilities. He uses exclusively Pharmaceutical-Grade Glyconutritonals, & Dietery Supplements that meet or exceed the criteria set forth by The Council for Responsible Nutrition in his practice. The consumption of Organic & chemical-free foods along with a low-glycemic diet plan is an integral part of of his clients path to wellness. You can get more information at: .
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