Natural Human Growth Hormone: Hope or Hoax?

You may feel 30, but your body keeps reminding you you're not. You fatigue easily. Your bones and joints hurt more often. The only part of your body that's thinning is your hair. Aging occurs due to the growth of the tissues and other elements in side the body. With increasing age, physically and mentally healthy adults gradually become less fit and more vulnerable to illness and death. However, these changes happen at different rates in different people.

What if you could reverse some of the physical effects of aging? Looking, feeling, and performing 10, even 15 years younger? What if you could burn fat without dieting or exercising; increase your muscle mass without exercise; improve your sexual stamina and performance; enhance your athletic performance and endurance; have younger, more youthful looking skin; eliminate cellulite deposits; dramatically support refreshing deep sleep; build stronger and healthier bones; improve your cholesterol and triglyceride levels; strengthen your heart while lowering blood pressure; even improve your hair growth and texture; improve mood, memory and concentration abilities; strengthen your overall immune system; and likely add years to your life? Sounds like a bit much? Not to Mark Tyler and scientific researchers alike.

A married father of three children and a partner in a law firm in Arizona, Mark seemed to have it all. "I woke up one day and I looked in the mirror and saw an old man at the ripe old age of 44," Mark says, "I could not believe how tired and old I looked. I was not so concerned about the vanity wrinkles, but the weight gain and the overall lack of energy I felt. I knew right then and there I needed to find something to turn back the hands of time. That's when I started getting into anti-aging supplements like natural HGH secretagogue formulas. The results have been amazing."

What is HGH?

Located in the center of our heads there sits a rather tiny but very powerful gland called the pituitary gland. Human growth hormone (HGH) is one of 7 hormones secreted by the pituitary. Growth hormone, like thyroid hormone, has an effect on almost all our tissues and organs. As the name implies, it enhances the growth of various organs and tissues, especially muscle and bone. Basically, human growth hormone increases protein synthesis. Proteins are the major building block out of which our body is made. Normal secretion of HGH occurs in a daily cycle, like a tide. It varies with exercise, sleep, stress and nutrition.

Everyone naturally secretes HGH in their bodies from the day they are born with levels reaching their peak in the body during adolescence, which then slowly decreases with age. As we get older, HGH continues to slowly decline to the point where the body makes a small fraction of what it did at the age of 20. This deprives the body of what it needs for tissue, bone and muscle regeneration. This depletion of HGH is soon recognized by the familiar signs of aging, such as increased body fat, lack of vitality and energy, decreased muscle mass, wrinkling of the skin, poor immune health and poor general health.

Can Regenatropin? and DHEA Truly Combat Father Time?

A few years ago, an article in the New England Journal of Medicine reported the opinion that the most effective anti-aging remedy for slowing (or reversing) the aging process would be to replenish growth hormones to proper levels. As a result, anti-aging specialists turned to a variety of natural secretagogue hormone replacement therapies. Perhaps the most promising of them all is Regenatropin?. This popular "anti-aging" product combines large doses of growth hormone-releasing amino acids with the latest advances in secretagogue nutrient technology. The clinical research findings on Regenatropin? have been truly astonishing.

Another supplement that has shown great promise is DHEA. There is now strong evidence that DHEA is an "anti-aging" hormone for some people. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (2004; 292:2243?8) showed that supplementing with DHEA can partially reverse the accumulation of abdominal fat and the insulin resistance that frequently accompanies advancing age. Previous research has supported findings that DHEA can improve bone density, muscle mass, strength, skin texture, libido, and erectile function in older people.

More and more research is being conducted into the process of aging and ways in which the process can be slowed. Through extensive research, scientists continue to find many positive results from HGH replacement therapy and its promising ability to successfully combat the degenerative aging process.

About the Author

David has been a leader in the field of anti-aging medicine and longetivity study for over 20 years. He has just completed his new book tentatively titled "Reset Your Body's Clock."

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