The Power of 90 Seconds

You can use the Power of 90 Seconds to transform your life. This power will allow you to:

=> Prevent countless problems.

=> Add additional hours to your day.

=> Maximize your efficiently while reducing stress.

=> Save hours of time as you make less mistakes and prevent problems.

=> Make Smart decisions.

Few people truly understand the power of 90 seconds and use it properly. The results are staggering: unnecessary stress, problems, hours of lost time, etc.

You will be different! You will discover this rule and use it to its maximum benefit. This article will show you how to harness the "Power of 90 Seconds."

Let's discover how to use "The Power of 90 Seconds."

You must understand two things:

1. It takes over 20 times more time or money to fix the problem than in does to prevent the problem. (Often it is one-hundred times) Thus time spent on preventing problems is as valuable as gold. (Don't you forget it!)

2. Seconds spend on prevention will save you hours of time, loads of frustration and stress, and piles of money.

Here is how you can use the "Power of 90 Seconds".

Use 90 seconds to:

=> Prevent a problem.

=> Think through a Decision,

=> Do something now which will save time down the road.

=> Fix the problem now.


=> Your boss comes in and hands you an important document. Instead of using 90 second to file it away, you toss it on a stack of papers. As usual it is gone when you want it three days later. Stress and anxiety builds as the time slips by while you frantically search for the report. You could have saved 30 minutes by using 90 seconds to file it away.

=> You decide not to write down an appointment in your book because it would have taken to long. (30 Seconds). This results in a lost customer, distrust, and a talk with your boss. Thirty seconds would have prevented all this.

=> Instead of writing down a list of the things you need, you go straight to the grocery store. You forget an important idem. The result: * $3 of gas lost. * 1 hour of time gone forever because you had to back to the store.

=> You look outside your window and see that your son has left his bike in back of your car. Instead of spending 90 seconds to move it or tell your son to move it, you decide to wait deal with the problem tomorrow. Of course you forget and back over his bicycle:

Ninety seconds would have prevented:

  • ? Hour changing a tire.(plus $40 for a new one)

  • $95.95 for a new bicycle.

  • 10 minutes of lecture from the your boss at work for being late.

=> One afternoon you notice that the rope that secures your dog to the tree is getting frayed. Just like human nature, you figure you will replace the old rope with the new rope from the garage in the next few days. Three days later your dog breaks loose. Three minutes of replacing the rope would have prevented:

  • 5 Hours searching for the dog.

  • $50 reward for having him returned.

  • $13 spent on printing flyers.

  • Undue Stress

Get the picture? Everyday you will run into situations where you can use the "Power of 90 Seconds" to prevent problems and reduce stress.

It is all part of the 90/10 Secret. Discover the secret by reading the article: "Discover the 90/10 Secret: It will change your life." Find it here: http://www.magic-people-

To make sure this is clear, let me throw out some specific examples where you can use the "Power of 90 Seconds."

=> Fill the car up with gas when the tank is only 1/4 full. Never will you have to waste time and money standing by the side of the road.

=> Replace burned out light bulbs, old tires, or etc. now. Take 90 some time and do it now, before you fall down the steps in the dark, have an accident, etc.

=> Think before you speak. Save embarrassment and a ruined reputation.

=> Use 90 seconds to file something away before it gets lost.

=> When you see something that could be a future problem, fix it now.

=> Make the phone call now, instead of waiting.

Do you see the "Power of 90 seconds"? Let me use one last point to illustrate it.

One day I was on the beach by the great Lakes. For six hours I played soccer, volleyball, and had a blast. However, I did not take the time to spend 90 seconds and apply sun block on my feet. My feet got scorched and I mean scorched. The result?

=> $$$$$$ spent on lotions and creams

=> Fiery pain for 7 days

=> Swollen feet..

=> Numerous hours lost while I laid on the couch with my feet on ice.

=> Missed activities, work, and a lack of productivity.

If I had used 90 Seconds to put sun block on, none of this would happened.

Prevent problems and you will prevent trouble. Use this secret now. Find more articles at

About The Author

? 2001, Arlen Busenitz. Arlen is a free lance writer specializing in people skills and personal improvement. Free articles and the "Secret to Making People Like You" can be found here:

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