Time and Life, Bit by Bit

Looking out through my picture window during a recent winter storm, I felt like I was in a giant snow globe. Big, fluffy snowflakes were falling, covering everything with a nice wintry blanket. Ah, how nice. I love snow... all two feet of it in my driveway!!

Now don't get me wrong, I really do love snow (send more!) but it does take its toll - my back was a bit sore, and it grew more difficult to keep my eyes open as the day carried on. I slept like a rock that night.

It could have been worse, I could have totally wiped myself out by trying to shovel it all at once. We do it all the time. Bite off more than we can chew, or grow impatient and try to rush through, or into things. We can apply this to other areas of life as well. If we rush through things we can end up suffering in the long run.

You know how I handled the snow? Bit by bit. Little by little. I went out at 7 am and shoveled the first 9 inches. Then my wife and I went out two more times that day to take care of the rest. I learned this "technique" from my father. When I was younger he always had me outside clearing the driveway with him, against my best (punk) judgement at the time. We'd go out at regular intervals to "keep ahead of it" as he said. Smart.

Now, how many times do we not think to "keep ahead" of things in our lives. I don't know about you, but I do it all the time. I want things done right away, I can't stand waiting. Lately, I've noticed my attitude changing a bit. I'm still impatient in some respects, but I'm more patient with myself. I'm the one who needs developing, and that takes time.

If you feel like you're getting nowhere, even wasting time, take heart. Life isn't meant to be lived in one day, or even a week. Life is development, learning and experiencing.

Don't waste life by worrying about time. Live life by using time. Bit by bit.

Drew Vics, an artist, writer & musician from New Jersey, writes for http://www.myeyez.net, and for other websites online.

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