The Hidden Power Of Understanding: A Secret To Building Massive Momentum In Your Business

You're busy with your business today, aren't you?

You're pushing your mind and body to the limit just about everyday to handle all the activities that need to be done. But something's missing.

Something is not quite right with this picture. Didn't you get into business to have more time freedom and more money to do what you want to do whenever you want to do it?

Didn't you get into business thinking that once you get it organized and "up and running" you would be able to take some time off to vacation and enjoy your ever-increasing profits?

Well, if you happen to agree with any of these questions, then you'll be happy to hear that there is a solution to make things better for you and your business. There is a missing ingredient to this all-too-common situation which many business owners experience.

What's missing from your business today is momentum -- massive, powerful, profit-pumping momentum!

So what is momentum, anyway?

Webster's Dictionary defines "momentum" as a "strength or force that keeps growing". That means if you want to get your profits growing and start putting more money into your pocket month after month, you need to have the power of momentum working for you.

This might be best understood with an example.

Imagine that your business is a car, and you are driving on a small side road when you decide to turn up an onramp to go onto the highway. To get up the ramp, you need to push the pedal down a little more and keep pushing on that pedal until your car is past the onramp and moving forward at 65 MPH down the highway. (or 105 KPH for non-US drivers :)

Now for the magical part of the story. Once you are going this speed down the highway, you can let up on the accelerator a bit and still maintain your speed of 65 MPH. In other words, at this point you are actually using much less gas to travel much faster and further.

Do you know why your car can go faster with less effort on the highway as compared to the side streets?

The answer is momentum!

You can take your business from the crowded side roads of mediocrity to the fast-moving highways of greatness. You have all the ability and talent you need right now to catapult your business to amazing levels of success and profits.

All you need to do to take things to the next level is learn how to harness the power of positive momentum and get it working for you right away. Creating momentum helps small, entrepreneurial businesses all the way up to large multi-billion dollar corporations. And it can work for you and your business just the same.

The first step to creating positive momentum in your business is simply called "Understanding". Let's cover an overview of what I mean by "Understanding" and how you can take this first step right away.

It's important to understand where you're at today in your business. Thinking about and answering the following questions will help you to develop your foundation for massive momentum. Just as when you build a new house, it is always important to start with a strong, solid foundation. Here are some questions to get you thinking about the topic of Understanding:

1. How many years have you been involved in your trade or business?

2. What type of business are you in today? (i.e. direct sales, retail, etc.)

3. On a scale from 1 to 10 (with 10 being the best), where would you rank your current standing in business as compared to other companies or individuals in your industry?

4. How often do you read newsletters and/or trade publications in your industry?

5. Do you work part-time or full time? About how many hours per week?

6. What are the one or two biggest reasons why you are in this business today? (i.e. do you love the product or service, do you hope to make enough money to become financially free someday, do you love the interactions you have with your customers, etc.)

7. How do you measure success in your business today? (i.e. profits/money, number of customers, etc.)

Make some time in your schedule this week to think about your answers to these questions. And if you have a business coach today, also make the time to review your thoughts about these questions with him or her.

Understanding where you're at in your business today is the first step to laying a solid foundation and beginning to catapult your business into massive momentum. Take action and get these questions answered today. You'll be glad you did!

Matt Zembruski (aka "Mr. Momentum") is the author of this article and publisher of the Massive Momentum Now newsletter. Subscribe today to get your free audio special report called "The #1 Reason Why Businesses Fail and How You Can Avoid It!". You will also discover a proven step-by-step system that gets you results...guaranteed. Free subscription if you visit our site today. ($197 value)

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