Top Ten Tips When Business is Slow

How's your business going to keep growing with the holidays just around the corner? What can you do when most people don't want to spend money now?

If you are concerned the cash flow won't flow and you won't have enough income for the next months, check out these ten tips:

1. Create written copy to email your subscribers and other email lists.

Just for your faithful customers, send a free how-to report, a thoughtful poem to celebrate the holidays, or a free offer of answering a question via email. This action keeps your name out in front of your audience, and it makes them feel acknowledged.

2. Create a form letter to send by email to your potential clients.

It reminds them you are available for them if they are ready to make a decision. Sample: "Dear name or group, Just wondering if this is the time for you to begin action on your book, internet marketing or web project? As you know I work with small business people who want to write, publish and sell their books, that will make a difference in others' lives, become the savvy expert and household name, and build business profits consistently." Follow with a special offer like a half hour phone session, or your free ezine or articles. Send it during and after the holiday.

3. Organize your computer files to locate the gold. Perhaps you'll find an unfinished article that you can edit and send to the opt-in (no spam) ezines or top web sites in your field. These articles placed your coach #1 in Google and other search engines as well as listing her web site URL on 12,800 sites up 1200 from just last week. This is a good time to delete what no longer serves you.

4. Offer a strategic alliance with top people in your field.

This can take the form of exchanging tips for ezines, exchanging web links, or even promotional copy to add to your site called, "Professional Resources." When I did this with a large company's ezine of 30,000 subscribers, I received back a spot where my monthly column sits--with a different how to article each time. Just another way to get yourself out there.

5. Hire a part-time organizer-computer assistant.

Call your local high school and place an ad for their career center. It's minimum wage usually, and you can double, even triple your business results with just a little help. If you don't promote each day, you lose your momentum and potential buyer's responses. You can do the creating, your assistant can send the emails out, clean up your files, and do web marketing.

6. Send out an email survey to discover what's on your potential customer's or client's minds.

Ask them what is the number one question they would like to have you answer for them. Then compile the questions and answers. Leverage them to place on your web site, place a few in several ezines to add new content, send out as article for the opt-in ezines or for web sites, or exchange with strategic partners.

7. Take some time off.

Renew yourself with a walk to hear the birds, see the green and enjoy the smells. On my walks I take a big whiff of Starbucks coffee aromas as I pass by to my local lake. Check out nearby places such as a spa, hot mineral springs, or gardens to be silent. Include more yoga in your day.

8. Get your expenses tallied before tax season.

See what else you can do to get more deductions before the year's end.

9. Stop spending time on things you don't enjoy.

Say, "I let go of all that doesn't serve me." Look over your daily to do pages, and instead of dashing from one thing to another, list just 3 High Level Activities you want to accomplish for each day. The trick is to finish them before you wander to another lesser priority.

10. Make promotion and marketing part of your daily life.

Doing a little each day does bring great rewards. You may not get to pick the time someone uses your service or product, but ongoing promotion does work. Just found an email from one year ago from a potential client. Today he is with me as a full on client.

These tips are just the beginning. Put an easy attitude on as your build your business even during the holidays. Then, reward yourself with quality time with friends and family.

Judy Cullins ?2004 All Rights Reserved.

Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," "How to Market your Business on the Internet," and "Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The Book Coach Says..." and "Business Tip of the Month" at and over 155 free articles. Email her at

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