8 Breakthrough Ways to Bring Free Visitors to Your Site!

Many websites have great ideas, excellent content, brilliant deals and terrific potential. However, the truth is, the majority of these sites fail. This is for the simple reason that these sites can not get sufficient visitors.

I hope to address this problem with 8 sure-fire ways to bring guaranteed visitors to your site within a matter of days:

1. Write your own articles

Increase traffic to your site immediately by writing your own articles and publishing them in relevant ezines or on relevant websites. At the beginning and end of your article, include a link to your site and a small sentence explaining how it would benefit the reader. This is a proven way to achieve tremendous, targeted traffic from all over the web. Do not be afraid to contact owners of large ezines. These ezine publishers need articles, especially if they publish a daily ezine. Just send them a polite, personal email, with your article neatly formatted. Writing your own articles also has the benefit of a long lasting effect. Once your article has been published in a big ezine, many readers of that ezine will use your article in their own ezine. Your article could be circulating around the web for months.

2. Create your own ebook

Create your own ebook relevant to your site's subject matter. Include a link back to your site on every page of the ebook. Make sure it is clearly stated on your ebook that it can be freely distributed so long as it is not altered in any way. Then, give it away on your own site, and distribute it to other relevant internet sites. These sites will probably be happy to distribute it for you, seeing as big sites are always looking for new ebooks to give away to enhance their popularity. You can then stop distributing your ebook after a while and then sit back and watch traffic pour into your site. A benefit is that if your traffic flow ever decreases again, then you can always distribute your ebook again.

3. Search engine optimisation

A high ranking on the popular search engines is one of the best ways to achieve incredible traffic within a couple of days. However, getting a high ranking on the top search engines is easier said than done. Briefly, these are the ways to get high search engine ranking:

  • Having a large number of links to your site all over the web
  • Having a large percentage of keywords in your content
  • Using effective meta tags (good keywords, etc...)
  • Using keywords in headings or in bold type
  • Using clean code with no unnecessary jargon

4. Using an email signature

This is possibly the most under-rated way of advertising on the internet. Think about how many emails you send a week. If you're a webmaster who is trying to get rich, you should be sending a lot! Just use a small signature at the end of each email such as:

100s of free ebooks and software products -
Go to - http://www.info-ebooks.co.uk

This will alert everyone you email, whether it be family, friends or prospective customers, that you have a site which is worth visiting. Notice how I have used the '=' sign to highlight my signature. This stands out much more than the '-' sign and will allow for maximum visibility. If you have family or friends who do not use an email signature, then ask them to have a similar signature as yours at the end of every one of their emails. You'll soon see an influx of visitors.

5. Link exchanges

Link exchanges are great because they cost nothing, are very long lasting, and also bring in extremely targeted traffic to your site. Link exchanges work by you and another website owner putting a link on each other's site so that each of you benefits. When choosing a site to link with, be careful about choosing a site very similar to yours. In this way, the other site's link does not look like an advertisement on your site, and you will also receive plentiful, targeted traffic. Link exchanges also have the benefit of helping you increase your search engine rankings seeing as you are increasing the amount of links to your site all over the web.

6. Autoresponder advertising

If you want to be a successful internet businessman you need to have an autoresponder. It is an essential tool which will save you hours of precious time. You can set your autoresponder up to email your prospects at certain intervals, and so take advantage, and send your new prospects emails about your new products, your special deals and your unique selling point which will benefit the reader. Alternatively, if you use your autoresponder to send out your special email course, make sure you have a small advertisement at the bottom and top of the email. Either way, this is a way to get great traffic without you having to do any work.

7. Using the power of recommendation

Nothing will make people come to your site more than having a friend recommend it to them. Everyone respects their friend's opinions and if you can get people to recommend your site then you're very likely to achieve a maximum amount of traffic. Word of mouth is a very common way of spreading 'the best new thing'. To get a recommendation script to put on your website so that visitors can recommend your site at the click of a button, go to http://www.cgi-resources.com or http://www.hotscripts.com. Generally, I find that people will not recommend your site unless there is an incentive. Therefore, offer a free reward if people recommend your site, such as a free ebook or free software product. Also, make sure that your recommendation form is on lots of your web pages and that it is very visible. Soon, you will have a large number recommending their friends to your site.

8. Holding a contest on your website

Holding a contest is a concept which has been highly neglected, even though it has tremendous traffic building potential. Hold a contest on your site for something that your site is based around. For example, if your site is based around video games, the prize could be the latest video game, which you know everyone who visits your site will be interested in. Often you don't have to pay for the prize either. Many companies would be happy to give you a free prize, because the company would receive free advertising. People will come to your site, see the contest, and if they like it (which you have to make sure they do), they will almost certainly tell a friend about it. This way you will collect a load of email addresses, which you can mail to, to tell them about product updates. The potential for traffic is unlimited. Plus, by offering competitions like this, your site will gain popularity from winners, and you could also offer a consolation prize to those who haven't won, so that you get popularity from all the losers of the competition too.

For more information on this subject or about making money online go to http://www.info-ebooks.co.uk

100s of free ebooks and software products are also available at this address.

Thank you for reading

William Johnston

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