Generating More Traffic to Your Website

Are you looking for an effective way to generate more leads or traffic into your online business or affiliate programs? Now you can easily generate more leads and sales by using these techniques.

The challenge of any online business is to generate leads which in turn will lead to sales. In order to do this you need to have an effective system to attract visitors to your website. The more traffic you get, the more customers you will have, and ultimately your sales will increase. There are many ways you can generate leads and traffic to your business. The ones described below are the most effective in generating leads:

  • Create a content based website

  • Collect visitors contact information

  • Offer a free report or ebook

  • Create an opt-in newsletter

  • Write specialised articles
Create a content based website

Create in-demand content, where each page focuses on a single topic related to that theme. Each page should be a 'Keyword Focused Content Page'. The goal or purpose of creating such a website is to drive targeted traffic to your pages which will generate commissions if you're an affiliate, or generate more product / service sales. Search engines such as Google favour content based websites so make sure your website contains valuable content. Keep adding content to your website which will boost your overall rankings. Ultimately the focus of your website should be on offering useful information which 'presells' the potential customer.

Collect visitors contact information

Have a system to collect the email address of every person who visits your web site and is interested in finding a solution to a problem. As mentioned you will need to have already created a content based site which offers valuable information on a particular subject. Most people search online for information or solutions so this is why content is king. If you give people what they want they will beat a path to your door and subscribe to your newsletter or purchase something off your website.

Place a subscription box in a prominent place on your site. Offer an enticement in return for their email addresses. This should help you capture the email addresses of 10-20% of the people who visit your site each week. People are aware that when they give you their email address they expect to be sent emails with advertisements. So you need to offer some high value enticement UP FRONT to get them to opt-in.

Offer a free report or ebook

One of the most frequently used search terms online contains the word FREE in it! Everybody loves to receive something for nothing. But make sure that what you do offer is something they cannot get elsewhere. This can be done by either creating a 'Special Report' which is unavailable elsewhere or offering an existing product that is tailored to your visitors. For example you might offer business owners a free report or ebook which tells them how to create more traffic to their website. It also important to let them know the value of the 'free gift', for example 'FREE Report - $47 Value'

Create an opt-in newsletter

One of the most effective ways of generating leads for your business is by offering a free subscription to your newsletter. As with the free report or ebook, it is important when writing a newsletter that you write about something that is relevant to your subscribers.

Everybody has something that they can write about. What most people lack is the time to write. Even if you publish a monthly newsletter, people will want to sign up if they feel that the information has a high perceived value to them. Your opt-in list is like a goose that lays the golden eggs. It is estimated that each subscriber to your newsletter is worth a least $1 per month to your business.

Write specialised articles

You do not necessarily need to be an expert in your chosen field. What is most important is that you are PASSIONATE about what you are writing about and that you have unique or specialised information which is unavailable elsewhere. After you have done this submit your articles to article submission sites and make sure to include a resource box at the end which will direct people back to your website.

Employ these lead generating strategies and you will notice a significant increase in website traffic and an increase in the leads generated. But don't stop there! Remember, you need to follow up with these leads and turn them into paying customers which is why preselling is an important factor.


About The Author

A1 Home-Business was established by Declan O'Reilly in Melbourne, Australia in 2003. Our vision at A1 Home-Business is to empower people to become successful.

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