Get Traffic Soon and Surge Ahead or Youll Get Lost in the Internet Wilderness.

Getting Traffic or more precisely Targeted Traffic to your website is the most important strategy for the Survival and Success of your Internet Home Based Business. It is a well known fact that the vast majority of the new Home Business Entrepreneurs have only a small marketing budget. Not that they are all short of funds but it takes time for them to be convinced about spending money. It is their desire and determination to cash in on the vast potential the Internet offers that has thrust them into this field of activity.

Follow these free, reliable methods and get the Traffic you desperately need to get noticed in the Internet. Some methods are time consuming and laborious but when money is the critical factor, time and labor should not be of major concern.

1. Reciprocal Linking.
Reciprocal linking is one of the most popular ways to get traffic to your Home Based Business site and also boost your rankings in the search engines. The strategy you should follow is: (a) Go to search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN and identify the websites that are similar or relevant to yours with high page ranks. (b)Eliminate those that are in direct competition to you. (c) Persuade and convince the webmasters to exchange links with you. (d) Identify quality websites i.e. websites with PR3 and over that have high traffic and exchange links with them.

2. Writing Articles.
One of the best ways to get high targeted traffic and one way links to your Home Business is to write articles and submit them to (a) Article Directories, (b) Ezine Publishers, and (c) High traffic websites that accept article submissions. Quality articles are in great demand and if you can write quality, thought provoking and educative articles in your field of expertise, your articles will definitely be accepted for publication. You should ensure that (a) you have a Resource Box at the bottom of the article. (b) And have your URL in the Resource Box. If your article is impressive you can expect a massive influx of visitors to your website via the resource box.

3. Submitting to Directories.
Once your website is ready with good content and quality links, you should start submitting your website to Search Engine Google and the Directories. Submitting to Directories is another way of getting additional targeted traffic to your website. This also increases your site's overall importance to obtain a high page rank. If you want to be visible in the internet world, getting listed in Directories especially in Directories with high page rank and traffic is the fastest way to do it. Some charge a fee for listing while others are free. Among the free directories some insist on a link back from your site. Link back to them happily and get listed.

4. Posting at Forums.
Another great way of getting free traffic is to post at discussion forums on a regular basis. If your contributions at these forums display good knowledge and authority, an immediate increase in your website traffic will be seen. To get the maximum benefit, (a) visit high traffic forums, (b) display your knowledge and (c) include your signature file and URL there. It is this URL that will siphon traffic to your site.

5. Emails.
The emails that you send out, whether it is personal or business can be a source of traffic. You have to ensure that your advertisement or signature is there at the bottom of the page with your URL. Though it might not be much traffic, nevertheless it is free traffic. Make the best use of it.

6 Tell a friend/Refer a friend.
Another source of traffic which is often overlooked is through your own website. Place a "Tell a Friend" or "Refer a Friend" image or script on your website. This can be obtained free from several sources, by searching in the search engines. Visitors, who sincerely appreciate your site and are grateful for the information and the resources provided, will pass on the good news to their friends.

7. eBay Traffic.
Traffic from eBay is not the normal channel but it is working for many. Any traffic that is free is what you need most. So (a) register yourself with eBay, (b) go to the "about me" page and fill in useful information with a link to your website. If done correctly, you are certain to get a significant amount of traffic since millions visit eBay every month.

8. Fresh Content.
It is surprising that many webmasters spend much time in finding various avenues to attract visitors to their sites but overlook the importance of adding fresh content to their sites. Content is King and Search Engines love fresh content. Your visitors love them too. It does not cost you anything so add fresh content regularly and they will keep on returning again and again.

Millions of websites are lost deep down in the Internet Wilderness unheard of and unsung. Certainly you don't want to be one of those! Get started. Start making money from home by implementing your Internet Marketing program.

Copyright ? 2005 Kanaga Siva

About Kanaga: Kanaga Siva has been a Marketing Manager and Business Manager and has a wealth of experience in Marketing. He now operates his own Home Based Business. For Articles, Resources, Tips and Ideas to start a Home Based Business from anywhere in the World and for other recommended Programs to make money from home, visit his website,

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