Help ? I Need Traffic To My Website

It's no secret, the lifeblood of any website is the amount of traffic that consistently visits it on a daily basis. Generally speaking large amounts of traffic leads to an increase in sales and income. Poor traffic leads to disappointment and zero dollars in your pocket. This article outlines some simple techniques I use to drive traffic to my websites.

I have 4 primary methods that I use to drive traffic to my website. They include writing articles, link exchanges, pay-per-click advertising and classified ads. Some of the methods are free but require a little more elbow grease while other methods require less work but do require an initial investment of money in order to get them started.

The main method I use to attract traffic to my website is to write articles similar to the one you are reading. Based on my personal experiences this is the best way to encourage visitors to your website and I truly wish I had started using this method earlier. The beauty behind writing articles is the power it has to drastically improve your website both in terms of relevancy to the search engines and in visitors. For instance when I write an article I do so with the intent to encourage the reader of that article to visit my websites, this is benefit number 1. The second benefit occurs when other webmasters utilize that same article as content on their websites. This has the potential to send more visitors to your web page.

Finally the biggest advantage to writing articles comes from the automatic link-back to your website. Everyone knows the advantages a good link exchange program can provide to a website. When a Webmaster publishes one of my articles on their website they have to include my signature block. This block of information contains links to some of my websites ? which is how I earn a one-way link exchange back to my websites. This method increases my website's popularity with the search engine Google.

A good link exchange program is vital to the success of your website and can help attract visitors. Search engines such as Google use links back to your website as a means for determining the page rank of a website. This page rank is beneficial to a websites' success and placement in the search engine directory.

Probably the easiest way to immediately send traffic to your website is through the use of pay-per-click search engines. Although there is a cost involved when using this method you are guaranteed to receive traffic that is truly interested in your product or service. This method can also be used to test new ideas to make sure they will be profitable before fully releasing them. Again remember no traffic is the same as no sales.

Classified ads allow you another opportunity to entice visitors to your website. The downside is that money is again forced to leave your possession before you actually make any sales. This method of traffic generation is similar to the PPC search engine technique described above.

As I mentioned earlier I use the four methods described above to generate visitors to my websites. Although these aren't the only methods I use, they are the techniques that have worked best for me when it comes to generating qualified traffic and making a decent income online.

Timothy Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides free insurance information and offers discount auto, life and home insurance that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Other websites operated by Tim - Free information and resources regarding cell phones and home insurance. ? Which provides free money saving loan quotes on all of your loan needs to include home insurance.

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