Winning the Traffic Exchange Game

Winning the traffic exchange game can be done. I was just starting out online and had no money so I was looking for a free way to drive traffic to my site. That is when I first found traffic exchanges. I found the concept to be great and signed up for everyone I found and started clicking and clicking and clicking. After countless hours, a blistered clicking finger and a lot of frustration I found the secret to the game.

Traffic Is What They Want

The members clicking for hits at the traffic exchanges are looking for the same thing you are. Traffic to there site. Most are not interested in finding a new opportunity or looking to go shopping they just want traffic. So how do you get their business? The most effective way is by using a lead capture page.

Lead Capture Page

A lead capture page is a simple site that stands out to the surfer. The object is to not sell your product or information but to create curiosity. At the bottom of the page you will need a form so people can request more information from you. By nature we are curious people so people will sign up.

The people that are surfing for hits have 30 seconds on average to review your site it is hard to sell a product in 30 seconds but it is pretty easy to peak someone's curiosity. You can see the page I use in the traffic exchanges at:

Follow Up

O.K. I have a lead capture page but were do I send the people that sign up? An autoresponder. An autoresponder is a program that will automatically follow up with your prospects for you. You can create a number of different messages and have them sent at different intervals to your prospect after they signup through your lead capture page. This is a great tool because it puts your business on auto pilot after you do the initial work to get the lead. The autoresponder I use is GetResponse It is feature-rich and free to set up. You can check it out at:

Now that you have an autoresponder you are going to write detailed instructions on how you product works or a report on how you product can benefit the subscriber and split it into at least 5 emails. Most people will not buy on the first contact so you want to give the subscriber at least 5 exposures. You can see an example of what I use by sending a blank email to: Now set the messages to be sent 3 days apart and watch the sales start coming in.

Capture Leads Not Sales

In conclusion winning the traffic exchange game is fairly simple, don't try to sell your products just create curiosity and capture their name and email. Have a solution to a problem people have and you will get people begging you for more information.

Hint: People at traffic exchanges want more traffic.

Copyright 2004 by Shannon Herod

About The Author

Shannon Herod is the CEO

Do you want a Flood of Traffic to your site? How about a huge Profit Pulling list of subscribers? Well then Shannon Herod Publishes a newsletter for people like You!

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