Welcome to lesson #2. First of all, I believe that gratitude is so important in everyday life. With this in mind, I am in awe at the response for this ezine and I want to thank you for trusting the process and believing in yourself. When I woke up the next day after setting this up and saw the number of people who subscribed, I broke down in tears. I owe everything I have created to God. He led me to do this and through Him I will help you. I am here to be the light for you to know that you already possess the wholeness within. We have several layers that we will be uncovering. You will then be able to make new choices in your quest for weight loss and be putting daily plans for yourself in place. You will be amazed at the difference. My intention is that you get results!
As we proceed through each lesson, I will be reviewing some of the content in the previous lessons as well to recap. Hey, it doesn't hurt for you to hear information over and over again, does it? Remember it takes 21 days to create a habit. In lesson #1, we discussed how everything is made up of energy. Your thoughts are pure energy. Whatever you put out, is what you will get back. The Law of Attraction is set up and will manifest those things in your life which you attract with your thoughts. Changing your thoughts will be your greatest challenge. It was for me and it took daily effort to do so. When you look at your life currently, what have you attracted with your thoughts? If you're overweight, then what do you believe about yourself? If you believed that you could actually lose weight, these thoughts would have been released into the Universe to produce a completely different response.
I mentioned previously Louise Hay's book, You Can Heal Your Life, and in it she talks about how anger is the core issue of weight issues. Now, did you do your homework assignment? The homework assignment was to write down those people in your life who you're angry with and remember you can include yourself. You were also supposed to write down what they did that made you angry.
For me, I didn't feel love from either parent, but I had such a special bond with my father so I held on to his energy in a more devastating way in my body. My father died when I was fourteen, and there's an entire story behind that one in an e-book, Close Kept Secrets to Overcoming Illness. I felt responsible for his life and for his death and that book will detail everything about how I attracted a horrific illness because I carried so much negative energy in me relating to childhood. With this in mind, I carried anger at not feeling loved and having the childhood I believed I deserved.
Okay, ready to release that anger? First, I want to explain the process. As an integrative body therapist, I work with clients face-to-face or over the telephone to help release their pain using Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques. Energy is energy and can be utilized all over the world. I did hear from a subscriber that she felt tingly all over after this process so it does work. We're on this journey together being supported by God. It is similar to prayer energy-the person doesn't have to be right there in order to see that prayer works.
What is Rapid Eye Technology (RET)? It's a technology which was developed to help release pain and trauma so that a person can experience love and joy on a deeper level. It stimulates the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep cycle, a natural release process. Your eyes flutter when you are in REM sleep similar to watching a baby sleep and this is where the release process takes place. How many of you have experienced waking up in the middle of the night remembering that you were supposed to do something? This is your brain at work for you while you sleep. Well, in RET, you're awake and you're processing and releasing your stuff. There's also guided imagery, charka clearing, affirmations and life skills which are part of this process as well. RET is great for balancing left and right brains because the left brain has to know why whereas the right brain sees the positive/spiritual aspect of the world. In addition, we'll be using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). The premise of this technique is that when one experiences a negative emotion like anger, there is a disruption in the body's energy system resulting in various symptoms. EFT is similar to acupuncture without the needles.
When I work with clients, we go through six to twelve sessions. Depending upon the amount of stuff one is carrying will determine how long the duration of the sessions so just keep this in mind. The results are absolutely amazing as the person feels lighter after releasing.
I do have to mention a Disclaimer now as you might be triggered by these processes. I know, I know! Disclaimers are part of our lives now.
Here it is:
You understand these ezine sessions(s) are for the purpose of weight loss, stress reduction and personal growth and you take full responsibility for them. This is not a substitute for medical examinations and/or diagnosis by physicians. You agree to hold the therapist completely harmless from any and all problems that might arise as a result of these ezine sessions.
Okay, we have that out of the way. Now let's proceed.
These processes address the underlying cause of most weight issues-the need to tranquilize with food the anxiety which is felt by you with unresolved emotional issues. Until one's underlying issue is dealt with, the need to overeat will continue. This is why many weight loss programs fail over the long term. People may lose weight using them but since the underlying emotional issue is still there, the need to medicate feelings through food will ever be present. It has been my experience in working with people who are overweight that the underlying emotion has to be released in order for new choices to be made; otherwise they will just revert back.
Right now, sit back and think about your anger. Judge where you are on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) with your anger that we spoke about earlier-who you're mad at and why. Now, if you're not feeling anger, then identify if it's sadness, guilt or shame.
Release Process
State your intention for what you want out of your personal session and ask God, angels or your guides for assistance. If uncomfortable emotions surface, acknowledge them by writing down what you're feeling. Read the entire process (you'll be doing several things) to the end of the ezine before proceeding.
1) Get comfortable in a chair or on the couch. Find two spots. One in each corner of the room at eye level.
2) Move your eyes to the left and right as rapidly as possible for the intent to release (as you move your eyes from left to right, look up at the seam between the ceiling and the wall and then slowly move your gaze downward to the seam between the wall and the floor, then return to eye level. It's like a "zigzag" sequence.
3) After several seconds of this, open your eyes wide and then scrunch them closed as you breathe in and out. Do this no more than three times.
4) If the emotion still seems strong, return to step 2 and begin again. Only do this process twice.
5) Open your mouth wide and take a big breath, hold it in a second and then blast the energy out to dissolve in the light. Do this three times.
While you're doing the above process, you can say the following while moving your eyes:
Release all trauma/Release all the anger/Release all the sadness/Release all the frustration/Release all the grief/Release all the helplessness/Release all the hopelessness/Release all pity/Release all the poor me/Release it.
Energy Realignment
Tap the pressure points outlined below with the first two fingers (index and middle fingers) on your hand 7-10 times while repeating the phrases below. Here's some you can use or you can make up your own to make it unique to your situation.
You'll always fill in the blank and then complete the statement with the same phrase.
Even though my mother didn't like me, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I didn't feel love from my father, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though my mother doesn't think I'm good enough, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I'm embarrassed by my weight, I deeply and completed accept myself.
1) Beginning of the eyebrow towards your nose
2) Side of the eye (either eye)
3) Under center of eye on cheekbone (either eye)
4) Under nose
5) Under bottom lip
6) Right below the collarbone (either collarbone)
7) Under the arm, about 4 inches below the arm pit (either arm)
8) Tap all over the top of head for good energy flow
9) Form a fist and rub in the clockwise motion over your heart
Don't worry if you're not sure if you're hitting the right points and saying it just right. You will still get results. There are many energy points all over your body. Trust in yourself and know that God is with you every step of the way.
Now, judge the intensity on a scale of 1-10. If you're not at a 1 or a 2, then repeat the tapping.
You can tap throughout the day, especially when issues of food begin to arise (even though I have this craving for chips, I deeply and completely accept myself). I do a morning routine of tapping and I include exercise, meditation and prayer. I tap throughout the day and it keeps me centered and then I do a night routine as well. I tap when I have to do a presentation and I'm experiencing fear. I tap when I'm about to have a conversation which is uncomfortable and I'm experiencing fear. I tap in my car. I'm sure it must be funny to the person who is in the car next to me. Just like me, this will become part of your daily routine.
Positive Affirmations
The mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Athletes use this concept to envision themselves as already have completed their feat. They visualize themselves being triumphant. This is what separates those who are successful and those who still are presented with challenges. You must believe yourself as if you have already are at your desired weight.
With this in mind, it's important to use these as if they are already occurring. Once you do this, you will manifest and attract exactly what you focus your thoughts on. Use these or create your own and say them throughout the day?several times a day. It works to put them on sticky notes or 3x5 cards so you're reminded to do them. Place them on your refrigerator, your mirror?..any place that is visible.
Thank you, God!
I am my ideal weight!
I weigh ____________! (fill in the blank with your ideal weight)
I am peace!
I am happy in my body!
I am loved!
I breathe in joy!
I am wholeness!
I am beautiful!
I have thin thighs!
I love you _____________ !(fill in your name)
I am powerful!
I am a sexy, love machine!
I am perfect just as God created me!
I am so hot, I make fire jealous!
If you are feeling like you're not fully in this space and time, here are some things you can do:
? Firmly press the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth and hold your fingertips together for about 30 seconds.
? Place your right hand on top of your head while imagining energy coming in through the top of your head and flowing down your spine connecting to the middle of the earth.
? Tap all over the top of your head
? Drink some water
We're an awesome team! I appreciate you and know that you're an amazing child of God, whole and complete just as He made you!
Stay tuned for more lessons and hearing about powerful cleansing and fat burning products. For the last nine years I have been in search for a nutritional product line in which I could put my heart. I have tried everything imaginable in my quest for those products I could use myself and promote to others. I have found the perfect answer. Check out http://www.tamiclose.isagenix.com.
With hugs and love,
Tami Close
Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and has a successful energy practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up... Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others.
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