Stress - How To Manage Effectively

Stress is very common in all walks of life and in all occupations. There are different kinds of stress, such as acute, episodic and chronic. Each one has its own list of symptoms and triggers that set it off. Chronic stress is the most dangerous one because it can affect a persons health and welfare and lead to depression if he/she cannot develop methods of stress relief. This is the gnawing feeling that people encounter day after day. It can be related to work, an unhappy marriage, money problems or a whole host of things that cause people to become very unhappy with their lives. People who suffer from this condition often cannot see anything good about their lives, It can lead to suicide, heart attacks and as research has shown, cancer.

We hear all about post-traumatic stress disorder from men and women who return from war and stressful situations. However, there are many things that can cause this disorder, such as abuse in childhood, rape or any other experience that may have been traumatic. People who are suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder usually exhibit three different types of symptoms:

? Flashbacks where the person feels he/she is reliving the event

? Avoidance where he/she works to avoid any situations that might bear even a remote resemblance to the experience

? Arousal where the person is easily startled or jumpy Psychotherapy is one treatment that has met with a lot of success in treating post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Using exercise as a form of stress relief has many benefits. New research suggests that exercising as a way of stress management helps people to improve their minds as well as their bodies because they become fit, giving them a whole new feeling about themselves. Another aspect of stress management involves making changes in your life to help you reduce the events that trigger your episodes. In some cases this may be a simple matter of getting out more often or it can mean changing jobs or careers.

You have to think about what is causing you to become stressed and if it is possible to avoid these things. Some events that can trigger stressful episodes may be alleviated by simply changing your route to work each day or gradually pulling away from friends that seem to be depressing and pull you down. You can look at the way you respond to certain incidents or people and if you feel stressed because it seems that people are always invading your private time, you need to learn to say "No" once in a while.

Stress symptoms can include not being able to sleep, constantly worrying about things beyond your control and even aches and pains in your body. These symptoms of stress can eventually lead to more serious diseases such as heart problems. You do need to talk to someone who can help, such as your doctor. If your work stress is the cause of your illness and if you are experiencing problems with your heart, the doctor may need to send you for a stress test to determine whether or not there is a serious problem developing.

Teen stress is one of the leading causes of suicide among teenagers who are unable to cope with all the pressures that seem to come at them from all sides. Feeling left out of popular groups or being constantly teased at school is one of the leading causes of teen depression and has led to some teenagers actually shooting their tormentors. Even a child as young as two or three years of age can feel stressed when he/she is trying to live up to the parents expectations of being a good boy or girl. School age children have pressures on them from all sides schoolwork, parents and friends.

Stress balls and stress relievers are ways that people have used as stress management techniques. The stress balls are small round balls filled with beads or other squeezable material that you can squeeze. The method may sound silly but many people swear by these stress relievers because the squeezing motion affects not only your hand, but your whole arm and seems to provide an outlet for the pent up stress inside your body. Some stress reducing tips that might help you in coping with stress are:

? Take care of your body by exercising and eating well-balanced meals.

? Learn to relax and if you need to stop once in a while and breathe deeply, holding the breath to the count of 10.

? Yoga is an excellent method of coping with stress because it teaches you to relax and become more in tune with your inner self.

? Try to look at situations in different lights and have a more positive outlook on what you do.

? Learn to live with what you have and this will make life a lot easier on you.

If none of these tips work, you may need to seek the help of your healthcare professional.

V.Anantha Krishnan is a resident webmaster of

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